This is ART! I hope you win because this is brilliant.
This is ART! I hope you win because this is brilliant.
Thank you very much fellow artist :)
You draw women in the most beautiful poses that compliment the female form without objectifying them. It's refreshing after looking through so many pin-up poses and thinking to myself " Is this the only way women could be depicted?" Then I find your work and it really is very inspiring.
Thank you so much! That's very kind of you ;v; I'm glad you find my work inspiring! To me women are really the most beautiful thing on the planet, I'm not opposed to pin-ups but like you said, something different once in a while is nice : > hope you will enjoy my future works as well! Thanks again!
I love the vulnerable look on her face. I also like that you didn't sexualize her. This is tasteful and cool.
thanks! X)
She's so cute!
Twisted and yet cute. I like it.
I like her body proportions! Imma big girl myself and I would love to draw characters like this just o create some diversity.
Your an animal baby, an animal just hold that pose - YES!
At first I was like what? Then I looked at the pose..... Lol. So true
I really like the style to this one!
Your style is refreshing. Would like to see more of this character and setting.
Joined on 10/25/12