I like it but it's missing something for me ... Maybe it's the color? I love the over all design, though.
I like it but it's missing something for me ... Maybe it's the color? I love the over all design, though.
Another cutie to add to my collection.
This is so great and yet it makes me kind of sad ...
This may be strange but I really love that tree design! The little phantoms remind me of the yokai from Spirited away and the forest spirits from Princess Monenoke. I love how they look both like gas and solid matter.
Thanks! I have a kind of narrative in mind to explain tspirits and the trees but I'm never free enough to do it.
Thanks for the Ghibli comparisons that's very flattering
This character kind of reminds me of Ryuk from Death Note.
I like the dark circles on her eyes. Good job!
I like the puppy eyes, very cute!
She is cute!
This is cute. This is really, really cute.
haha, thank you ^^
Joined on 10/25/12